[R] mclustBIC version 3.3.1

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sat Sep 12 17:26:21 CEST 2009

madmax1425 wrote:
> Hi there,
> I started getting a new error with the latest mclust package version 3.3.1.
> My only solution was to install the older package 3.2.1 or even 3.1-10. , (i
> think older ones will still work since i ve been using it for a while)
> the sentence giving trouble is:
>     BIC <- mclustBIC(as.vector(data), G = 1:3, modelNames=c("E"))
> Quite often i get "missing groups" suggesting the data is not appropriate
> for that clustering into 3 groups. I could not cast the results with NULL
> values in order to continue my process.
> Does anybody know anything about the new version of this function and how
> its effectiveness got reduced so drastically? Its functionalities seem to
> behave expanded handling noise etc etc as per changelog.
> Any ideas or workaround?
> Thanks a lot for the contribution in advance.
> Max

If you think there is a bug please mail to the package maintainer and 
report your findings.

Uwe Ligges

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