[R] Output from as.windrose() in oce package baffles me

Waichler, Scott R Scott.Waichler at pnl.gov
Sat Sep 5 00:06:40 CEST 2009


> May I ask you to report this as an issue on the oce webpage,
> so that others can see the discussion?  (The "R help" is 
> perhaps not the right place to report bugs ... and, yes, this 
> is a bug.) 
> 		http://code.google.com/p/r-oce/issues/list

Yes, I will.

> A possible solution is to edit the "windrose.R" file and 
> replace the first function with what I am putting below.  But 
> I am actually not sure on the "if (theta..." line, and need 
> to think about that some more.  Also, please note that 
> official releases of OCE take some time (typically a week) so 
> that's why I always suggest a workaround, first.  As I'm sure 
> you're aware, you could just "source" a file containing the 
> code below, after doing the "library(oce)", and that will 
> work until a new release comes out.  I have been holding off 
> on a release for quite a while, since I am working on code to 
> handle acoustic-doppler data from about a half-dozen 
> instruments, and I try to avoid letting anyone get caught out 
> by using code that is still in development.
> as.windrose <- function(x, y, dtheta = 15) {
>      dt <- dtheta * pi / 180
>      dt2 <- dt / 2
>      R <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
>      angle <- atan2(y, x)
>      L <- max(R, na.rm=TRUE)
>      nt <- 2 * pi / dt
>      theta <- count <- mean <- vector("numeric", nt)
>      fivenum <- matrix(0, nt, 5)
>      for (i in 1:nt) {
>          theta[i] <- i * dt
>          if (theta[i] <= pi)
>              inside <- (angle < (theta[i] + dt2)) & 
> ((theta[i] - dt2) <= angle)
>          else {
>              inside <- ((2*pi+angle) < (theta[i] + dt2)) & ((theta[i]
> - dt2) <= (2*pi+angle))
>          }
>          count[i] <- sum(inside)
>          mean[i] <- mean(R[inside], na.rm=TRUE)
>          fivenum[i,] <- fivenum(R[inside], na.rm=TRUE)
>      }
>      data <- list(n=length(x), x.mean=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), 
> y.mean=mean (y, na.rm=TRUE), theta=theta*180/pi, count=count, 
> mean=mean,
> fivenum=fivenum)
>      metadata <- list(dtheta=dtheta)
>      log <- processing.log.item(paste(deparse(match.call()), sep="",
> collapse=""))
>      res <- list(data=data, metadata=metadata, processing.log=log)
>      class(res) <- c("windrose", "oce")
>      res
> }

I decided to not use the windrose object created by as.windrose().
Instead, I wrote my own function for plotting wind speed and wind
direction data, using some of the features from plot.windrose().  The
data I work with is usually provided in mph or m/s and azimuth degrees,
so I found it more convenient to provide those directly as arguments to
the function.  Three utility functions come first, followed by the main
one of interest, PLOT.WINDROSE2().

degrees <- function(radians) {
  return(radians * 180 / pi)

radians <- function(degrees) {
  return(degrees * pi / 180)

# Define a function that converts compass headings (bearings, azimuths)
into geometric angles for trigonometry.
# Examples:  For a heading = 0 degrees, vector points due north, and
angle = 90 deg.
# For a heading = 90 degrees, vector points east, and angle = 0 deg.
convert.heading.angle <- function(heading) {
  num.heading <- length(heading)
  angles <- rep(NA, num.heading)
  for(i in 1:num.heading) {
    angles[i] <-
      ifelse((heading[i] >=0 && heading[i] <= 90), 90 - heading[i], 
             ifelse((heading[i] >=90 && heading[i] <= 180), 360 -
(heading[i] - 90),
                    ifelse((heading[i] >=180 && heading[i] <= 270), 180
+ (270 - heading[i]), 90 + (360 - heading[i]))
}  # end of convert.heading.angle()

# A function to plot windroses, with similar output capabilities as that
of plot.windrose() function   
# in the oce package.  This function has not been extensively tested.  
# Theta should be in ascending order, starting at some azimuth > 0
# The oce package was written by Dan Kelley.
# Arguments:
# 1) vector of windspeeds
# 2) vector of wind directions (azimuths, degrees; 0=calm, 45=NE, 90=E,
180=S, 270=W, 360=N)
# 3) vector of windrose sector centers (azimuths, degrees)
# 4) type of windrose plot:  count, mean, median, or fivenum
# 5) color vector for use as in plot.windrose()
# 6) plot title
PLOT.WINDROSE2 <- function(ws, az, theta, type=c("count", "mean",
"median", "fivenum"), col, title, ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  nt <- length(theta)  # number of sectors
  az.ar <- radians(az) # convert azimuth degrees to radians
  t <- radians(theta)  # convert sector centers to radians
  dt <- t[2] - t[1]  # angle range for each sector (radians)
  if(dt < 0) stop("Center angles for theta must be in increasing
  if((sum(diff(theta)) + theta[2]-theta[1]) != 360) stop("Sectors do not
add up to 360 degrees.\n")
  dt2 <- dt / 2  # radians
  sector.boundaries <- c(t - dt2, t[nt] + dt2)  # sector boundaries in
azimuth radians
  # bin the azimuths into the sectors
  ind.sector <- ifelse(az.ar < sector.boundaries[1], nt,
findInterval(az.ar, sector.boundaries))

  # Bin the azimuth data into the defined sectors
  calm <- ifelse(az == 0, T, F)  # logical vector to indicate whether
calm or not
  # For each sector, compute the count and mean, and the components of
  # min, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, and max.
  x <- list()  # make a list like plot.windrose() uses
  x$data <- list(count=integer(nt), mean=numeric(nt),
median=numeric(nt), fivenum=matrix(nrow=nt, ncol=5))
  for(i in 1:nt) {
    ind <- which(ind.sector == i & !calm)
    x$data$count[i] <- length(ind)
    x$data$mean[i] <- mean(ws[ind])
    x$data$fivenum[i,] <- fivenum(ws[ind])

  # Plot setup
  xlim <- ylim <- c(-1, 1)
  plot.window(xlim, ylim, "", asp = 1)
  if (missing(col)) {
    col <- c("red", "pink", "blue", "darkgray")
  } else {
    if (length(col) != 4) stop("'col' should be a list of 4 colors")
  # Draw circle and radii
  tt <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=100)
  px <- cos(tt)
  py <- sin(tt)
  lines(px, py, col=col[4])  # draw the circle
  # Convert sector boundaries from azimuth radians to geometric radians
for drawing
  t.deg <- degrees(t)
  t <- radians(convert.heading.angle(t.deg))
  for (i in 1:nt) {
    lines(c(0, cos(t[i] - dt2)), c(0, sin(t[i] - dt2)), lwd=0.5,
col=col[4])  # draw the radius
  text( 0, -1, "S", pos=1)
  text(-1,  0, "W", pos=2)
  text( 0,  1, "N", pos=3)
  text( 1,  0, "E", pos=4)
  # Draw rose in a given type
  if (type == "count") {
    max <- max(x$data$count, na.rm=TRUE)
    for (i in 1:nt) {
      r <- x$data$count[i] / max
      xlist <- c(0, r * cos(t[i] - dt2), r * cos(t[i] + dt2), 0)
      ylist <- c(0, r * sin(t[i] - dt2), r * sin(t[i] + dt2), 0)
      polygon(xlist, ylist,col=col[1], border=col[1])
  } else if (type == "mean") {
      max <- max(x$data$mean, na.rm=TRUE)
      for (i in 1:nt) {
          r <- x$data$mean[i] / max
          xlist <- c(0, r * cos(t[i] - dt2), r * cos(t[i] + dt2), 0)
          ylist <- c(0, r * sin(t[i] - dt2), r * sin(t[i] + dt2), 0)
          polygon(xlist, ylist,col=col[1], border=col[1])
  } else if (type == "median") {
      max <- max(x$data$fivenum[,3], na.rm=TRUE)
      for (i in 1:nt) {
          r <- x$data$fivenum[i,3] / max
          xlist <- c(0, r * cos(t[i] - dt2), r * cos(t[i] + dt2), 0)
          ylist <- c(0, r * sin(t[i] - dt2), r * sin(t[i] + dt2), 0)
          polygon(xlist, ylist,col=col[1], border=col[1])
  } else if (type == "fivenum") {
      max <- max(x$data$fivenum[,5], na.rm=TRUE)
      for (i in 1:nt) {
          for (j in 2:5) {
              tm <- t[i] - dt2
              tp <- t[i] + dt2
              r0 <- x$data$fivenum[i, j-1] / max
              r  <- x$data$fivenum[i, j  ] / max
              xlist <- c(r0 * cos(tm), r * cos(tm), r * cos(tp), r0 *
              ylist <- c(r0 * sin(tm), r * sin(tm), r * sin(tp), r0 *
              thiscol <- col[c(2,1,1,2)][j-1]
              polygon(xlist, ylist, col=thiscol, border=col[4])
          r <- x$data$fivenum[i, 3] / max
          lines(c(r * cos(tm), r * cos(tp)), c(r * sin(tm), r *
sin(tp)), col="blue", lwd=2)
}  # end of PLOT.WINDROSE2()

# Example:
az <- c(1, 22.5, 45, 90, 180, 270, 315, 359, 360, 192, 135)
ws <- rep(1, length(az))
theta <- seq(22.5, 360, by=22.5)
title <- "Test"

PLOT.WINDROSE2(ws, az, theta, type="mean", title=title)

--Scott Waichler
scott.waichler at pnl.gov

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