[R] creating lists in a list with loop

"Häring, Tim (LWF)" Tim.Haering at lwf.bayern.de
Fri Sep 4 15:01:45 CEST 2009

Hello !

I want to create a spatial stratified sampling scheme with the package spsurvey. To do this with the function "grts" in spsurvey, I need to create a list containing the specifications for each stratum. This specifications were stored in a named list, where the name for each stratum is the name for each list. This means, I need to create a "outer" list containing several "inner" lists.

> Stratdsgn <- list("Stratum1"=list(panel=c(Panel=6), seltype="Equal"),
+                   "Stratum2"=list(panel=c(Panel=2), seltype="Equal"),
+                   "Stratum3"=list(panel=c(Panel=4), seltype="Equal"))
> str(Stratdsgn)
List of 3
 $ Stratum1:List of 2
  ..$ panel  : Named num 6
  .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "Panel"
  ..$ seltype: chr "Equal"
 $ Stratum2:List of 2
  ..$ panel  : Named num 2
  .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "Panel"
  ..$ seltype: chr "Equal"
 $ Stratum3:List of 2
  ..$ panel  : Named num 4
  .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "Panel"
  ..$ seltype: chr "Equal"

Because I do not have only 3 strata but 50 or more I would like to create this list with a for loop.
Could somebody help me to do this? I didn`t manged to create a list within a list in a loop.

Thanks for every hint.


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