[R] Re ading and Creating Shape Files
chuck at sharpsteen.net
Thu Oct 29 15:28:02 CET 2009
PDXRugger wrote:
> Hello R Community,
> I have imported a dataset which contain X Y coordinates and would like
> to recreate a shape file after some data analysis. What i have done is to
> import some taxlot data and join them based on some criteria. I want to
> check to see how well the joining went by reviewing the results in GIS.
> A couple things. I cant seem to import a shape file correctly using the
> maptools package and the readShapeSpatial. I have tried
> Building=file("data/input/BuildingShape/Building.shp")
> Bldg<-readShapeSpatial(fn=data/input/BuildingShape/Building,proj4string=NAD83)
> #----------------------
> Bldg<-readShapeSpatial(data/input/BuildingShape/Building,proj4string=NAD83)
> #---------------
> Building=file("data/input/BuildingShape/Building.shp")
> Bldg<-readShapeSpatial(Building,proj4string=NAD83)
> I know i am mis interpreting the documentation but it doesnt seem like it
> is very complicated so i am of course confused.
I haven't used the maptools package for this kind of operation, so I offer
any specific advice. However, the value of proj4string seems to be a little
odd-- unless NAD83 is a variable that contains a string. It should probably
be a quoted list of PROJ4 declarations such as:
proj4string = '+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83'
If maptools is leveraging the sp package, then you probably need to enclose
the string in the CRS() function:
proj4string = CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83')
Note that the above example assumes coordinates are in lat/lon using the
NAD83 datum. If your data is in a different projection, such as UTM, you
will need to change the PROJ4 string accordingly.
PDXRugger wrote:
> Also, i am wondering if i can create a shape file by simply using XY
> coordinates from a data frame.
> So for:
> Ycoord=c( 865296.4, 865151.5, 865457.0 ,865363.4 ,865311.0, 865260.9
> ,865210.7 ,865173.3,
> 865123.6 ,865038.2 ,864841.1 ,864745.4 ,864429.1 ,864795.6 ,864334.9
> ,864882.0)
> Xcoord=c( 4227640 ,4227816 ,4228929 ,4228508 ,4229569 ,4229498 ,4226747,
> 4226781, 4229597,
> 4229204, 4228910, 4228959 ,4229465 ,4229794 ,4229596 ,4229082)
> Lot<-c(1900 , 2000, 2100 , 100 ,200 , 300, 400 , 500 , 600 , 701
> , 900 , 1000 , 1100,
> 300 ,100, 200)
> XYcoord<-spCbind(Ycoord,Xcoord) #doesnt work so
> XYcoord=c(Ycoord,Xcoord)
> TaxLots<-cbind(Ycoord,Xcoord,Lot)
> writeSpatialShape(XYcoord, TaxLots..,
> file=data/input/test/Taxlots,strictFilename=FALSE)
> So help reading in shape files and then creating them using XY coordinates
> if possible
> Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Maybe maptools provides a nice way to do this-- again I haven't used it
much. My shapefile workflow usually centers on the sp and rgdal packages.
First, sp is used to create a spatial object that holds the coordinates and
data. Assuming you have point data:
lots <- SpatialPointsDataFrame( coords = cbind(Xcoord,Ycoord), data =
data.frame( Lot = Lot ))
*Note that SpatialPointsDataFrame also takes a proj4string argument of the
proj4string = CRS( 'proj declarations' )
I have omitted it since I don't know what projection your data is in.
You can then create a shapefile using the writeOGR() routine in rgdal:
writeOGR( lots, dsn = 'tstShapefile', layer = 'tstShapefile', driver='ESRI
The readOGR() function can also be used to read a shapefile-- note that you
give it the name of the directory containing the shapefile components and
not the name of an individual component such as 'shapefile.shp'.
Hope this helps!
Charlie Sharpsteen
Environmental Resources Engineering
Humboldt State University
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