[R] need help explain the routine input parameters for seROC and cROC found in the R archive
Waverley @ Palo Alto
waverley.paloalto at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 06:11:13 CET 2009
Please help.
I found the code in the archive.
The author of this script says: "The first function (seROC) calculate
the standard error of ROC curve, the second function (cROC) compare
ROC curves."
Can some one explain to me what are the na, nn and r parameters which
are used as the input to the following two functions?
Thanks much in advance.
> From: Bernardo Rangel Tura
> Date: Thu 16 Dec 2004 - 07:30:37 EST
> seROC<-function(AUC,na,nn){
> a<-AUC
> q1<-a/(2-a)
> q2<-(2*a^2)/(1+a)
> se<-sqrt((a*(1-a)+(na-1)*(q1-a^2)+(nn-1)*(q2-a^2))/(nn*na))
> se
> }
> cROC<-function(AUC1,na1,nn1,AUC2,na2,nn2,r){
> se1<-seROC(AUC1,na1,nn1)
> se2<-seROC(AUC2,na2,nn2)
> sed<-sqrt(se1^2+se2^2-2*r*se1*se2)
> zad<-(AUC1-AUC2)/sed
> p<-dnorm(zad)
> a<-list(zad,p)
> a
> }
Waverley @ Palo Alto
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