[R] Porting Custom Packages from Linux to Windows

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Oct 28 01:32:31 CET 2009

On 28/10/2009, at 12:20 PM, David Lubbers wrote:

> On my linux workstation I have a nice, very little project in a
> directory called "mystuff"
> I installed "mystuff" into site-library with R CMD build, R CMD check
> and R CMD install.  This was all with the file mystuff.tar.gz.
> Now I want to install "mystuff" on my windows workstation.  Can I use
> the same file mystuff.tar.gz.  Do I need to do something different  
> with
> R CMD build?
> Ideally somebody has a tutorial for porting from linux to windows this
> way.

If the package ``mystuff'' does not involve compiling any Fortran or C
code then it's simple:

	Go to the directory, i.e. library, where ``mystuff'' is installed.
	(NB:  You want the *installed* version, not the source version.)

		zip -r mystuff.zip mystuff

	Transport mystuff.zip to the Windoze machine.  Then do the usual
	clickety-click thing to ``install from local zip files''  (I forget
	the actual wording.) And there you go.

	If there is C or Fortran code to be dynamically loaded then this code
	must be compiled under Windoze.  This is possible, but tricky and
	you need to make sure that all sorts of non-standard tools are
	installed on your Windoze machine.  Duncan Murdoch has produced
	a set of instructions for getting through the maze, but I forget
	where.  Doing an RSiteSearch() will probably turn it up for you.

	Alternatively you can use the facility:


	which is provided by Uwe Ligges, bless his heart.  Remember this
	is necessary only if ``mystuff'' depends on C or Fortran code.


			Rolf Turner

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