[R] Stack overflow in R 2.10.0 with sub()

Kenneth Roy Cabrera Torres krcabrer at une.net.co
Tue Oct 27 13:15:39 CET 2009

Hi R developers:

Congratulations for the new R 2.10.0 version.

It is a huge effort! Thank you for your work and dedication.

I just want to ask how to make this "strip blank" function
to work again (it works on R.2.9.2).

alumnos$AL_NUME_ID<-sub("(^ +)|( +$)","",alumnos$AL_NUME_ID),)

"alumnos" is a data base with 900.000 rows and 72 columns.
and "alumnos$AL_NUME_ID" is a character variable read form
a "mysql" database.

The system shows me this message:

Error: C produce desborde de pila en 'segfault'

It seems a "stack overflow" problem, but it works on R 2.9.2!

Thank you for your help, and again, thank you for your work!!!


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