[R] How to change a slot by a method?
mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
Tue Oct 27 05:46:11 CET 2009
Quoting Peng Yu <pengyu.ut at gmail.com>:
> In the following code, 'multiply' doesn't multiply a at x by 2. I'm
> wondering how to define a method that can change the slot of a class.
> $ Rscript setGeneric.R
>> setClass(
> + Class='A',
> + representation=representation(
> + x='numeric'
> + )
> + )
> [1] "A"
>> setMethod(
> + f='initialize',
> + signature='A',
> + definition=function(.Object,x){
> + cat("~~~ A: initializator ~~~\n")
> + .Object<-callNextMethod(.Object,x=x)
> + return(.Object)
> + }
> + )
> [1] "initialize"
>> setGeneric(
> + name='multiply',
> + def=function(object){
> + standardGeneric('multiply')
> + }
> + )
> [1] "multiply"
>> setMethod(
> + f='multiply',
> + signature='A',
> + definition=function(object){
> + object at x=object at x*2
> + }
> + )
Remember that R has 'copy on change' semantics, so object at x =
object at x^2 creates a (seemingly -- we don't 'know' what is going on
underneath) new instance of object, and assigns the value of
object at x^2 to its 'x' slot. So the original 'object' is unchanged. If
you return object,
setMethod(multiply, "A", function(object) {
object at x = object at x^2
a = multiply(a)
will update the value of a. It is worth noting the implied copying
going on here, and the implications for performance.
R.oo and proto will provide a more familiar paradigm (though perhaps
no less copying, in general).
> [1] "multiply"
>> a=new(Class='A',x=10)
> ~~~ A: initializator ~~~
>> multiply(a)
>> print(a at x)
> [1] 10
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