[R] Distance between axis and label adjusted automatically?
Jim Lemon
jim at bitwrit.com.au
Sat Oct 24 11:12:45 CEST 2009
On 10/24/2009 09:00 AM, Lasse Kliemann wrote:
> Is there a way to have the distance between label and axis
> adjusted automatically? This is interesting in particular for the
> y-axis, when it is not known in beforehand how many digits the
> numbers will have. It may happen then, that numbers and label
> overlap.
> All examples that I found work by estimating the required
> distance manually in beforehand and then providing large enough
> margins, or positioning the label far enough away from the axis.
> I have a series of plots, that should be done automatically. They
> have different magnitudes in y-direction. So there is no
> universal estimation that looks good in all cases -- of course I
> can provide a "safety margin", but it looks stupid when there is
> too much space between label and axis.
> I tried to use the relative positioning mechanism of frames,
> roughly like this:
> fb<- packGrob(fg,yaxisGrob(vp="dataRegion"),side="left")
> fg<- packGrob(fg,textGrob("y axis label",rot=90),side="left")
> But it appears that the true size of the axis is not respected;
> numbers on the axis and the label still may overlap.
> Can anyone provide a simple example how to do this right? I would
> favor a solution using the 'grid' package.
Hi Lasse,
You can see one way to do this in the getMarginWidth function code
(plotrix). This calculates the longest label and then adjusts the margin
accordingly. I don't think it would be too hard to adapt the approach to
grid graphics.
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