[R] Functional data analysis - problems with smoothing

Peter Ehlers ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Fri Oct 23 08:07:15 CEST 2009

The error message is pretty clear: regardless of what
*you* think, R says that 'isi' is not numeric.

Are you sure that 'isi' is not a *factor* object?
I'm willing to bet that it is.

Use str() to check your data.

  -Peter Ehlers

Benjamin Cheah wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having major issues with smoothing my functional data
> I'm referring to Jim Ramsay's
> examples in his books. The following error message keeps appearing,
> despite all my data being numeric.... can anyone kindly offer any suggestions?
> isi - vector of argument values - i.e. the independent variable of the curves
> rlz - data array
> TMSfdPar - functional data parameter.
>> TMSfdPar = fdPar(TMSbasis, 4, 0.01)
>> TMSfdsmooth = smooth.basis(isi, rlz, TMSfdPar)
> Error in smooth.basis(isi, rlz, TMSfdPar) : 'argvals' is not numeric.
> I don't understand why the error message keeps popping up. I've tried playing around with Jim Ramsay's datasets and I think my data is organised in a similar manner to his, so can't understand what's going on.... oh, the frustration!
> Thanks in advance,
> Ben
> (the amateur R data analyst and statistician.....)
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