[R] RGtk2:::gdkColorToString throws an error

Ronggui Huang ronggui.huang at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 17:16:03 CEST 2009

Dear all,

I try to use RGtk2:::gdkColorToString, but it throws an error:
Error in .RGtkCall("S_gdk_color_to_string", object, PACKAGE = "RGtk2") :
  gdk_color_to_string exists only in Gdk >= 2.12.0

I know what it means, but don't know to solve this problem because I
don't know where I can download the referred gdk library. Any
information? Thank you.

HUANG Ronggui, Wincent
Doctoral Candidate
Dept of Public and Social Administration
City University of Hong Kong
Home page: http://asrr.r-forge.r-project.org/rghuang.html

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