[R] How to create a legend that automatically reads the values from two vectors?

jcano javier.cano at urjc.es
Tue Oct 20 16:30:45 CEST 2009

Hi all!!!

How can I create a legend to my plot that automatically reads the values
from two vectors?
 I want my legend to show 6 lines
beta(in greeks)=0.78,eta(in greeks)=235.6
beta(in greeks)=0.94,eta(in greeks)=6.59
beta(in greeks)=4.68,eta(in greeks)=1174

I know how to do it "by hand" but I have to write them one by one and this
is not efficient. How can I do that? I guess it has to be with the lapply or
rapply functions, but I can't really get it!!!!

Many thanks in advance

Best regards

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