[R] package installation from source
petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Fri Oct 16 15:31:49 CEST 2009
Dear all
I noticed from NEWS 2.11.0,dev
o Packages must have been installed under R 2.10.0 or later, as
the current help system is the only one now supported.
So I tried to follow instructions in manual, Duncan Murdoch presentation
and help pages to prepare and accomplish installation of a set of
functions I use. However in R 2.11.0dev and too in R 2.10.0dev I was not
able to finish it.
I installed Rtools210
I opened commander window and or R program with --vanilla option.
I coppied all my functions and data to R and run package.skeleton
> package.skeleton(list=ls(), name="fun")
Creating directories ...
Creating DESCRIPTION ...
Creating Read-and-delete-me ...
Saving functions and data ...
Making help files ...
Further steps are described in './fun/Read-and-delete-me'.
Package structure seems to be ok
> list.files("D:/temp/fun", recursive=TRUE)
[1] "data/modely1.rda" "data/modely2.rda" "data/modely3.rda"
[4] "data/stand.rda" "DESCRIPTION" "man/addLine.Rd"
[7] "man/azce.Rd" "man/bayerf.h.Rd" "man/bayerf.Rd"
[112] "R/tridy.R" "R/trigrid.R" "R/truehist.R"
[115] "R/voda.tlak.R" "R/vodiv2rozkl.R" "R/warmcold.R"
[118] "R/weighted.mean.R" "R/weighted.var.R" "R/write.excel.R"
[121] "Read-and-delete-me"
I changed PATH by
PATH = D:\programy\Rtools\bin; D:\programy\Rtools\perl\bin;
D:\programy\Rtools\MinGW\bin; D:\programy\R-2.10.0dev\bin; %PATH%
When I try to do
> install.packages("D:/temp/fun", repos=NULL, type="source")
sh nenˇ n zvem vnitýnˇho ani vnŘjçˇho pýˇkazu,
spustiteln‚ho programu nebo d vkov‚ho souboru.
Warning message:
In install.packages("D:/temp/fun", repos = NULL, type = "source") :
installation of package 'D:/temp/fun' had non-zero exit status
which basically tells that sh is not a name of command, exe or bat file.
The same I get when I try to run
D:\temp R CMD INSTALL fun
Please can you give me any suggestion for making installation work. I
remember when going from 1.9 to 2.0 versions it was also necessary to
install my bunch of functions, however at that time I need to use
something like make, make install or so and gather all necessary programs
Best regards
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