[R] changing a matrix from class data.frame to class dist

Maxime Pauwels Maxime.Pauwels at univ-lille1.fr
Thu Oct 15 17:34:37 CEST 2009


I have a data frame object (FSTc) which is in fact a matrix of class 
data.frame but created from a txt file using the command
FSTc<-read.table("FSTcmatrix.txt", header=T)

I would like to transform it in a distance matrix of class dist to use 
it with the ade4 package.

I'm quite sure this is a simple operation but i just don't have the 

Could anyone help?

Thank you


Maxime Pauwels
Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-1745-2009

Laboratoire de Génétique et Evolution des Populations Végétales
Université de Lille, USTL-Lille1
Tel  : +33 3 20 43 40 76
Fax  : +33 3 20 43 69 79
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René Char

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