[R] vis.gam() contour plots
Jason Gasper
Jason.Gasper at noaa.gov
Tue Oct 13 22:37:24 CEST 2009
Thanks, that is a big help.
David Winsemius wrote:
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 3:46 PM, Gavin Simpson wrote:
>> On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 22:20 -0400, David Winsemius wrote:
>>> On Oct 12, 2009, at 8:20 PM, Jason Gasper wrote:
>> <snip />
>>> # contour examples.... vis.gam(g,
>>> view=c("x1","x2"),plot.type="contour",color="heat", nlevels=20)
>>> Warning messages:
>>> 1: In plot.window(...) : "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
>>> 2: In plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
>>> 3: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
>>> "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
>>> 4: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
>>> "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
>>> 5: In box(...) : "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
>>> 6: In title(...) : "nlevels" is not a graphical parameter
>>> # This does result in warnings that do not seem correct (since nlevels
>>> is listed as a graphics parameter in the help page of contour)
>> They are correct for a certain definition of "graphical parameter", and
>> 'nlevels' is an argument to contour. IIRC this really refers to things
>> in ?par and is a common issue that I have come across when coding
>> function that pass some arguments in '...' to other functions and some
>> to plotting functions. There are ways around this, but I don't have the
>> details to hand - Prof. Ripley suggested one solution that is used
>> within base R to get round this problem, and which we subsequently used
>> in the vegan package.
> This the case. Looking at the code it appears the vis.gam function may
> have been written with the persp plotting case in mind. There is some
> minimal processing of parameters when the call is for "contour", and
> nlevels is not a named argument within vis.gam. If you make it one,
> and then pass it to the contour call within the eval(parse(text= ))
> dispatching strategy, you can avoid the warnings:
> vis.gam2(g, view=c("x1","x2"),plot.type="contour",color="heat",
> nlevels=20)
> #no warnings
> #after defining the function
> vis.gam2 <- function (x, view = NULL, cond = list(), n.grid = 30,
> too.far = 0,
> col = NA, color = "heat", contour.col = NULL, se = -1, type =
> "link", nlevels=10,
> plot.type = "persp", zlim = NULL, nCol = 50, ...)
> {
> ---snipped unchanged code-----
> if (plot.type == "contour") {
> stub <- paste(ifelse("xlab" %in% dnm, "", ",xlab=view[1]"),
> ifelse("ylab" %in% dnm, "", ",ylab=view[2]"),
> ifelse("main" %in% dnm, "", ",main=zlab"), ",...)",
> sep = "")
> if (color != "bw") {
> txt <- paste("image(m1,m2,z,col=pal,zlim=c(min.z,max.z)",
> stub, sep = "")
> eval(parse(text = txt))
> txt <-
> paste("contour(m1,m2,z,col=contour.col,zlim=c(min.z,max.z)",
> ifelse("add" %in% dnm, "", ",add=TRUE"), ", nlevels=
> nlevels, ...)",
> sep = "")
> eval(parse(text = txt))
> }
> else {
> txt <- paste("contour(m1,m2,z,col=1,zlim=c(min.z,max.z)",
> stub, sep = "")
> eval(parse(text = txt))
> }
> }
> ---snipped more unchanged code-------
> }
>> HTH
>> G
>>> but the
>>> desired effect seems to be occurring. I have seen such warnings many
>>> times before an have learned to ignore them. Whether that is the
>>> correct posture to assume, I am not sure.
>>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> David Winsemius, MD
>>> Heritage Laboratories
>>> West Hartford, CT
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>> Dr. Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
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> David Winsemius, MD
> Heritage Laboratories
> West Hartford, CT
Jason Gasper
National Marine Fisheries Service
Alaska Region, Sustainable Fisheries Division
709 W. 9th St. Juneau, Alaska 99801
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Phone 907-586-7237
Fax 907-586-7249
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