[R] SPSS long variable names

Orvalho Augusto orvaquim at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 18:14:11 CEST 2009

Hello guys I am new to this list and for R too.

I am wondering if there is a patch for the SPSS reading code on the
foreign package, in order to be able to read long variable names.
Right now read.spss() just trunc the names to 8 characters.

Or if someone could help me on other way:
I have to process everyday a lot of SPSS Syntax Files and Dat files
that come from one system that can only export data on through that

I use PSPP to generate the spss data file (sav) that I read with R.
>From R I can export to MySQL, DBF and STATA to satisfy the needs of
different guys here.

The problem is the limit of 8 characters long on variable names.

Can someone help on that?


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