[R] Prediction from BMA

Anthony Staines anthony.staines at dcu.ie
Wed Oct 7 15:09:47 CEST 2009

Dear colleagues,

I am doing a little bit of work using the BMA package to examine
predictive models for types of pain - the outcome variable is a binary
(Yes/No) for the type of pain experienced by a patient.
Our observation is that BMA makes a lot of sense in this application, as
the data suggests that there are several well-fitting possible logistic
models, each with posterior probabilities close to 0.1, as well as a
straggle of somewhat less likely models.

I am unsure how best to produce predictions from the BMA output - i.e.
the posterior means of model coefficients. There isn't a predict.BMA or
similar, that I can see. What's the recommended way to produce
predictions (i.e. fitted values, or estimates from new data) from these
BMA models?

Best wishes,
Anthony Staines
Anthony Staines, Professor of Health Systems Research,
School of Nursing, Dublin City University, Dublin 9,Ireland.
Tel:- +353 1 700 7807. Mobile:- +353 86 606 9713

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