[R] [R-pkgs] DEoptim 2.0-0

Katharine Mullen kmullen at nist.gov
Thu Oct 1 22:05:06 CEST 2009

Dear All,

We are happy to announce the release of the new version of DEoptim 
(version 2.0-0) which is now available from CRAN.

The DEoptim package [3] performs Differential Evolution (DE) minimization, 
a genetic algorithm-based optimization technique [2,3]. This allows robust 
minimization over a continuous (bounded or not) domain.

The new DEoptim function calls a C implementation of the DE algorithm 
similar to the MS Visual C++ v5.0 implementation distributed with [2].

More details on DE optimization can be found on the DE homepage [1].

We believe that the DE approach may be applicable in many fields of 
research and hope that the package DEoptim will be fruitful for many 

Kate Mullen and David Ardia

   o The R-based implementation of Differential Evolution has been
     replaced with a C-based implementation similar to the MS Visual C++
     v5.0 implementation accompanying the book `Differential Evolution -
     A Practical Approach to Global Optimization',downloaded from

     The new C implementation is significantly faster.

   o The S3 method for plotting has been enhanced. It allows now to plot
     the intermediate populations if provided.

   o The package maintainer has been changed to Katharine Mullen,
     <katharine.mullen at nist.gov>.

   o A NAMESPACE has been added.

   o Argument FUN for DEoptim is now called fn for compatibility with

   o demo file has been removed

   o CITATION file modified


[1] Differential Evolution homepage: 

[2] Price, K.V., Storn, R.M., Lampinen J.A. (2005). Differential Evolution
- A Practical Approach to Global Optimization. Springer-Verlag.  ISBN

[3] Ardia, D., Mullen, K. (2009). DEoptim: Differential
Evolution Optimization in R. R package version 2.0-0. URL

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