[R] add lines() to 1st plot in layout() after calling 2nd plot()?

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sat Oct 3 21:50:31 CEST 2009

If you look at layout's help page there appears to be a worked example  
of an even more complex task. The answer appears to be assingning  
numbers to regions and then inserting par(mar=  with an appropriately  
constructed destination arguments prior to each added piece.


On Oct 3, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Marianne Promberger wrote:

> Dear R users,
> I create a graphic with two plots side by side using layout(), like  
> this:
> layout(matrix(c(1,2),1))
> plot(1:10,main="left plot")
> lines(c(3:7,7:3),col="red")
> plot(10:1,main="right plot")
> The lines() obivously get added to the "left plot" plot.
> Now, I'm trying to write a function that builds up a plot bit by bit  
> to
> then include it in a LaTeX presentation with overlays. I'm using
> dev.copy(), and it would make my life much easier (because in fact I
> call all sorts of additional axis() etc after plot) if I could call
> the above commands in this order:
> layout(matrix(c(1,2),1))
> plot(1:10,main="left plot")
> plot(10:1,main="right plot")
> lines(c(3:7,7:3),col="red")
> but of course now lines() gets added to the "right plot". I
> Is there any way to make the lines() go to the fist plot ("left  
> plot")?
> Marianne

David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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