[R] How to deal with this :" object ' obs' not found.
P Ehlers
ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Sat Oct 3 04:09:30 CEST 2009
You don't need to attach. But you do need to mention what kind of
object ttx1 is. I had (foolishly) assumed that it was dataframe,
but I see that it's a matrix. So try this:
-Peter Ehlers
Hyo Lee wrote:
> Ok. I just figured out what the problem was.
> I had to attach() the data.
> **
> x1=data1[,,2]
> tx1=t(x1)
> *ttx1 *= cbind(tx1 , obs=1:nrow(tx1))
> --> this is how ttx1 was made; and of course, in ttx1, there is a variable
> called 'obs'.
> I had to attach(ttx1) first before I use this: *sortedx1=ttx1[order(-obs),]*
> But it seems that, I cannot attach ttx1.
> *> attach(ttx1)
> Error in attach(ttx1) :
> 'attach' only works for lists, data frames and environments*
> Of course, this is one of the ways I can do. But I just don't think I can do
> it for 1916 times.
>> write.csv(ttx1,"c:/i.csv")
>> m=read.table("c:/i.csv", header=T, sep=",")
>> attach(m)
>> sortedx1=m[order(-obs),]
> Do you know what I should do?
> Thanks.
> -Hyo
> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:50 PM, jim holtman <jholtman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It is clear that 'obs' does not exist.
>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Hyo Lee <totemo13 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It says...
>>>> str(obs)
>>> Error in str(obs) : object 'obs' not found
>>>> ls(obs)
>>> Error in try(name) : object 'obs' not found
>>> Error in as.environment(pos) : no item called "obs" on the search list
>>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:26 PM, jim holtman <jholtman at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Are you really sure you have 'obs'? What does 'str(obs)' show? What
>>>> about 'ls()'?
>>>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Hyo Lee <totemo13 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I need your help.
>>>>> I'm trying to sort the data by the variable "obs".
>>>>> This is how I tried to sort the data below.
>>>>> The problem is, I have a variable name "obs"; this is.. a counter
>>>>> variable.
>>>>> something like _n_ in SAS.
>>>>> I do not know why it is not working.
>>>>> I even tried a similar example in UCLA webpage:
>>>>> http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/R/faq/sort.htm :it also does not seem
>> to
>>>>> work.
>>>>> "*sort1.hsb2 <- hsb2[order(read) , ]"*
>>>>> Do you have any idea how to deal with this problem?? Thank you so
>> much.
>>>>> -Hyo
>>>>>> colnames(ttx1)
>>>>> [1] "longitude 1" "longitude 2" "longitude 3" "longitude 4"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 5"
>>>>> [6] "longitude 6" "longitude 7" "longitude 8" "longitude 9"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 10"
>>>>> [11] "longitude 11" "longitude 12" "longitude 13" "longitude 14"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 15"
>>>>> [16] "longitude 16" "longitude 17" "longitude 18" "longitude 19"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 20"
>>>>> [21] "longitude 21" "longitude 22" "longitude 23" "longitude 24"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 25"
>>>>> [26] "longitude 26" "longitude 27" "longitude 28" "longitude 29"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 30"
>>>>> [31] "longitude 31" "longitude 32" "longitude 33" "longitude 34"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 35"
>>>>> [36] "longitude 36" "longitude 37" "longitude 38" "longitude 39"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 40"
>>>>> [41] "longitude 41" "longitude 42" "longitude 43" "longitude 44"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 45"
>>>>> [46] "longitude 46" "longitude 47" "longitude 48" "longitude 49"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 50"
>>>>> [51] "longitude 51" "longitude 52" "longitude 53" "longitude 54"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 55"
>>>>> [56] "longitude 56" "longitude 57" "longitude 58" "longitude 59"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 60"
>>>>> [61] "longitude 61" "longitude 62" "longitude 63" "longitude 64"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 65"
>>>>> [66] "longitude 66" "longitude 67" "longitude 68" "longitude 69"
>>>>> "longitude
>>>>> 70"
>>>>> [71] "longitude 71" "longitude 72" "obs"
>>>>>> sortedx1=ttx1[order(-obs),]
>>>>> Error in order(-obs) : object 'obs' not found
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>>>> --
>>>> Jim Holtman
>>>> Cincinnati, OH
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>> --
>> Jim Holtman
>> Cincinnati, OH
>> +1 513 646 9390
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