[R] inverse currying

baptiste auguie baptiste.auguie at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 2 14:58:19 CEST 2009

After some more digging (grep "alist" R-devel/ ), I've come up with this,


sugar = function(fun, id = "id"){
 ff <- formals(fun)
 if( id %in% names(ff))
   stop(paste(id, "is part of args(fun)"))

 new.arg <- tools:::as.alist.symbol(id)

 formals(fun) <- c(unlist(ff), new.arg)


foo = function(x, a=1){

sugar(foo, 'a')

sugar(foo, 'my.new.arg')



2009/10/1 baptiste auguie <baptiste.auguie at googlemail.com>:
> Dear list,
> I have the following function,
> sugar = function(fun, id = "id"){
>  ff <- formals(fun)
>  if( id %in% names(ff))
>    stop("id is part of args(fun)")
>  formals(fun) <- c(unlist(ff), alist(id=))
>  fun
> }
> which one may use on a function foo,
> foo = function(x){
>  x
> }
> sugar(foo) # results in the extended closure,
> function (x, id)
> {
>    x
> }
> Its limitation (other than not working with .Primitives) is the 'id'
> tag that I add in the formals of fun(). I don't know how to create a
> alist(id=) pairlist where id can be changed. I tried the usual bquote
> and substitute approach but they don't seem to work here. I suppose I
> could do something like,
> parse(text = paste("alist(",id, "=)", sep=""))
> but this is usually not recommended.
> Any ideas?
> Best regards,
> baptiste

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