[R] Evaluating expresssions as parameter values

Erich Neuwirth erich.neuwirth at univie.ac.at
Thu Oct 1 16:01:55 CEST 2009

Let us walk through my problem step by step:

print(xyplot(yield ~ variety | site,groups=year,data=barley))
print(xyplot(as.formula("yield ~ variety |  

The above two statements work, the next one does not work

print(xyplot(as.formula("yield ~ variety | site"),groups=parse 

But the following one works

arglist<-list(as.formula("yield ~ variety | site"),groups=parse 

why does 3 not work and 4 work?
Is there a way of coercing the string "year" into something which can  
directly be used in
3 as the argument used with groups= ???

The next one

print(xyplot(as.formula("yield ~ variety | site"),groups=eval(parse 

also works, but in this case the groups expression is evaluated before  
xyplot is applied,
and I think this is bad style (at least, if not worse).

On Sep 30, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Deepayan Sarkar wrote:

> xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length, iris, groups = ~Species)

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