[R] Build of XML package failed
Luis Tito de Morais
luis.tito-de-morais at ird.sn
Fri Nov 27 19:35:59 CET 2009
Hi list,
It may be a FAQ, but I searched the web and Uni of Newcastle Maths and Stats and
R mailing list archive on this issue but was unable to find a solution. I would
appreciate any pointer to help me solving this.
I am using R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26) on linux mandriva 2010.0
I tried to install the XML_2.6-0.tar.gz package both with
install.packages('XML', dep=T) from within R and the R CMD INSTALL using a
local tar.gz file.
I am having the following error message (sorry it is partly in french):
Dans le fichier inclus à partir de DocParse.c:13:
Utils.h:175:2: attention : #warning "Redefining COPY_TO_USER_STRING to use
encoding from XML parser"
DocParse.c: In function notifyError:
DocParse.c:1051: erreur: le format n'est pas une chaîne littérale et pas
d'argument de format
This last error message means:
"error: format not a string literal and no format arguments"
In the past when having such errors with other packages, I have been able to
solve it with the help of this tip:
and modifying the faulty source file accordingly.
But in this specific case, I have been unable to find what to modify in the
source file. Line 1051 in the DocParse.c source file only has the command
"WARN". I don't know anything about C programming and could not figure out what
to modify in this case.
I would appreciate any help on this issue.
Best regards,
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