[R] changing titlessymbols in plot.spm

Assa Yeroslaviz frymor at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 17:27:53 CET 2009

Hi all,

I'm trying my best in changing the names of my experiments in the spectral

My experiments are from six different time points, two as control and two
treated experiments.
I set have for each time point a different color .
Now I want to change the symbols so that I have for the treated experiments
one and for the controls a different one. But I want only two different
symbols which.
The best option will be to have a "C" for the controls and a "T" for the
treated Experiments. I than won't be needing the title of the experiments.
But a different symbol will also be good.
I tried it with this command:

> stress <- c("control" , "control" , "treated" , "treated" , "control" ,
"control" , "treated" , "treated" , "control" , "control" , "treated" ,
"treated" , "control" , "control" , "treated" , "treated" , "control" ,
"control" , "treated" , "treated" , "control" , "control" , "treated" ,

# each four exp. are in one time point, therefore I am using six different
colors for the experiments.

> stress.Factor <- factor(stress)

> plot(r.sma,label.tol=0,scale="uvc",col.group=(ramgrp[,2]),colors =
= FALSE, col.symbols =unclass(stress.Factor) ,zoom=c(1,5),col.size=2)

Unfortunately it's not working. What i get is to see in the attachment. i
have two symbols but for the wrong experiments.
I would happy for any suggestions which help me solve this problem.



Assa Yeroslaviz
Kockelsberg 22
51371 Leverkusen

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