[R] how to change the class of a group of objects

Henrique Dallazuanna wwwhsd at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 00:26:37 CET 2009

Try this:

assign("a", `class<-`(get("a"), "character"))

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Ben Mazzotta
<benjamin.mazzotta at tufts.edu> wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I would like to change the class of a group of objects in R memory from
> "numeric" to "dist". I can manipulate the class using
> class(foo) <- bar
> but I cannot get the same command to work on groups of variables. When I
> use for() loops and lists of names, inevitably I have to specify
> class(get("foo")) <- bar
> which causes class() to return an error. Could anyone offer some advice
> how to manipulate classes and attributes of a list of objects in memory?
> Many thanks,
> Ben
> a <- c(1:5)
> b <- c(1:10)
> c <- c(1:20)
> # What I would like to do is coerce all of these to class "dist".
> # How can I write a command that changes the class of a, b, AND c to
> "dist"?
> # Most of my answers include a list or a for() loop over (a, b, c)
> # How can I write a command that changes attributes of a, b, and c all
> at the same time?
> # I can force the process to work for a few objects, but it is
> time-consuming.
> # For reference, I am including the following commands.
> class(a)
> class(get(letters[1]))
> class(a) <- "dist"
> class(a) <- NULL
> class(a)
> class(get(letters[1])) <- "dist"
> --
> Ben Mazzotta
> PhD Candidate
> Fletcher School, Tufts University
> 160 Packard Ave, Medford MA 02155
> benjamin.mazzotta at tufts.edu
> +1.617.462.4486
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Henrique Dallazuanna
25° 25' 40" S 49° 16' 22" O

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