[R] Repeated measures unbalanced in a split-split design

Marcelo Laia marcelolaia at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 15:42:32 CET 2009


I have a experiment with block, plots, sub-plots, and sub-sub-plots
with repeated measures and 3 factors (factorial design) when we have
been observed diameter (mm), high (cm) and leaves number (count).
However, we don't have one treatment in one factor, so, my design is

On a previous message here, a friend tell me that "It appears to me
that your design is a split-split plot with repeated measures at the
split-split plot level. Because you have multiple sizes of
experimental unit (blocks, plots and sub-plots), you have a different
random error term at each size of unit, so you have to analyze it as a
mixed-effects model. For the diameter and height measurements, you can
probably get away with using normal errors, but for the counts, you
may well have to use a generalized linear mixed model."

So, I am trying to analyze my data with car package.

I have:
time (days after germination) -> 4 levels (38, 53, 73, 85)
Hormone -> 2 levels (SH, CH) on sub-plots
Block -> 4 blocks
Treatment -> 6 levels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) on sub-sub-plots
Plant -> subjects

I measured Diameter (mm), Height (cm), HD (height/diameter), and
Number of Leaves (count) at each time point. But, plant can be died
and I got NAs.

However, Treatment 6 (control) is only present on SH sub-plots. It
isn't present on CH sub-plots.

I try this model:

idata.Cana <- data.frame(Time=factor(c(38,53,73,85)))

mod.Cana <- lm(cbind(Diameter.38, Diameter.53, Diameter.73, Diameter.85)
                ~  Treatment*Hormone, data=marcelo.subset)

lm(formula = cbind(Diameter.38, Diameter.53, Diameter.73, Diameter.85)
~     Treatment * Hormone, data = marcelo.subset)

                      Diameter.38  Diameter.53  Diameter.73  Diameter.85
(Intercept)            1.24000      1.35750      1.99375      2.31000
Treatment2            -0.31625     -0.14250      0.07500     -0.13875
Treatment3            -0.19250     -0.01500     -0.20875     -0.36875
Treatment4            -0.35375     -0.08500     -0.22750     -0.27125
Treatment5            -0.29125      0.04875     -0.14375     -0.26375
Treatment6            -0.00125     -0.25750     -0.81125     -0.77750
HormoneSH             -0.30875     -0.08875      0.31500      0.07000
Treatment2:HormoneSH   0.19875      0.11250     -0.44500     -0.24875
Treatment3:HormoneSH   0.15375      0.01875     -0.12125      0.07000
Treatment4:HormoneSH   0.28000     -0.04250     -0.41750     -0.38750
Treatment5:HormoneSH   0.40875     -0.11125     -0.17750     -0.05125
Treatment6:HormoneSH        NA           NA           NA           NA

av.Cana <- Anova(mod.Cana, idata=idata.Cana, idesign= ~ as.factor(Idade))
Erro em solve.default(crossprod(model.matrix(mod))) :
  rotina Lapack dgesv: sistema é exatamente singular

How I model my data to analyze it with this unbalanced design?

How I could use the block factor on model? Or it is not necessary? And

Please, here you could find my design

and here you could find a subset of my data

Thank you very much!

Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
UDESC - www.cav.udesc.br
Lages - SC - Brazil
Linux user number 487797

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