[R] BMA package MC3.REG question

solaris solaris008 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 18:39:54 CET 2009

Hi guys, would like to ask a question about mc3.reg, I am new to R however I have spent many hours understanding and getting all other functions to work except this one. I am running mc3.reg and after getting the results would like to do 2 things that are definitely possible, and managed to do with bicreg estimation.

1. Have a plot of the posterior probability distribution of each coefficient ( this is done using the plot function after bicreg)
2. Print the results with regards the means and standard errors of the averaged coefficients (the summary command automatically gives this information for bicreg but not for mc3.reg)

Many thanks, my apologies if this is an "easy" question that I just haven't realized because I dont know R very well.,


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