[R] How to add a top level title to multiple plots

Jason Rupert jasonkrupert at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 21 00:06:58 CET 2009

How can I add an overall plot title to these four plots? 

I would like to have something that says, "Distribution Comparisons":

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# Plot 1
title(main = list(paste("Normal"),
                          col="black", cex = 1.0))

# Plot 2
plot(rpois(10, 4),type="l",col="blue")
title(main = list(paste("Poison"),
                          col="black", cex = 1.0))

# Plot 3
plot(rnbinom(10, mu = 4, size = 100),type="l",col="green")
title(main = list(paste("Binomial"),
                          col="black", cex = 1.0))

# Plot 4
title(main = list(paste("Uniform"),
                          col="black", cex = 1.0))

Thanks again for any feedback and insights. 

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