[R] can R scripts detect signals sent by the task scheduler ?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Nov 20 16:21:03 CET 2009

On 20 November 2009 at 14:25, mauede at alice.it wrote:
| In general, is it possible to run R scripts through cron jobs ?
| Is it possible to make  the script detect the system interrupt, save its current status and then exit so that next time it is rescheduled it can pick up from where it left ? 
| Examples, if any, are more then welcome.

You are conflating a few things here:

  i)    yes, you can run R from cron or task scheduler -- that is how R
        updates webpages on the R site, how CRANberries is updated etc pp
  ii)   to a program, it doesn't matter who started it, be it the task
        scheduler or interactive use (modulo correcly setup PATH et al

  iii)  R and its predecessor systems have stopped and resumed for decades,
        look at help(save.image) or help(save)

  iv)   Snapshotting running applications and resuming them elsewhere is
        an operating system task -- some OSs do this, but typically not
        in consumer grade versions.

Hope this helps, Dirk
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