[R] Perform operations on dataframes called with paste in loops

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Nov 18 00:54:23 CET 2009

On Nov 17, 2009, at 6:14 PM, separent wrote:

> In a loop, I compose the name of a csv file using paste, then read  
> it (e.g.,
> dataset1.csv, dataset2.csv, etc). The name of the dataframe assigned  
> to the
> imported csv is also composed with paste (e.g., dataset1, dataset2,  
> etc.).
> Now I want to perform operations on the dataframes dataset1,  
> dataset2, etc.
> However, the paste function only renders a string on which I can  
> not, for
> example, do operations like
> plot(paste("dataset",i,"[,1]",sep=""),paste("dataset",i,"[, 
> 2]",sep="")). How
> could I call the dataframe instead of the string representing its  
> name?


(It's also in the FAQ.)


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