[R] Labels in horizontal dendrogram not placed correctly?

joris meys jorismeys at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 13:28:49 CET 2009

Hi all,

I tried plotting a horizontal dendrogram, but it seems as if the
labels are not taken into account in the function plot.dendrogram().

A minimal example :
Test <- data.frame(
    x10000x = c(1:10),
    x20000x = c(2:11),
    x30000x = c(11:2)

TestDist <- daisy(data.frame(t(Test)))
TestAgnes <- agnes(TestDist)

If I run this in R 2.10.0, I get a horizontal dendrogram with the
labels to the far right, and partly outside the plot area. This is
highly inconvenient. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Kind regards

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