[R] Best advice for connect R and Octave

Jason Rupert jasonkrupert at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 14 20:21:01 CET 2009

I see at one time there was a package called ROctave.  I tried to install that package:

> install.packages("ROctave")
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Warning message:
In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib) :
  package ‘ROctave’ is not available

Unfortunately it appears that the package is no longer available. By any chance is there another package or series of steps that need to be followed to allow R to interface with Octave on the Window platform (not using Cygwin)?  

Ideally the interface would allow R to make Octave calls.   I am using Octave Version 3.2.3 installed from http://octave.sourceforge.net/. 

For example I would like to call the bode function in Octave from R:

L = tf2sys(3e4 * [0.0025 0.1 1], [0.01 1.03 3.03 3.01 1]);
Thanks for any feedback and insights. 

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