[R] multivariate meta-analysis with the metafor package

Antonio.Gasparrini at lshtm.ac.uk Antonio.Gasparrini at lshtm.ac.uk
Fri Nov 13 19:46:41 CET 2009

Dear Wolfgang Viechtbauer and R users,
I have few questions regarding the development of the package 'metafor.
As you suggested , I post to the R-help mailing list.
I read you're planning an extension of this method to the multivariate case.
I think it would be a useful tool.
I'm currently performing some analyses with R on multiple outcomes, using the Stata command mvmeta to get meta-analytic multivariate estimates, then coming back to R to use these results. Obviously, it's irritating to switch software every time.
- Are you still planning this extension? And in this case, do you have a planned date?
- What are likely to be the advantages and limitations of a potential 'rma.multi' if compared to Stata's 'mvmeta'?

Thank you for your time

Antonio Gasparrini
Public and Environmental Health Research Unit (PEHRU)
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, UK
Office: 0044 (0)20 79272406 - Mobile: 0044 (0)79 64925523
Skype contact: a.gasparrini
http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/people/gasparrini.antonio ( http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/pehru/ )

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