[R] replace a whole word with sub()
Marc Schwartz
marc_schwartz at me.com
Fri Nov 13 16:21:43 CET 2009
On Nov 13, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Giulio Di Giovanni wrote:
> Dear all,
> I cannot figure out how to solve a small problem (well, not for me),
> surely somebody can help me in few seconds.
> I have a series of strings in a vector X of the type "xxx", "yyy",
> "zzz", "IgA", "IgG", "kkk", "IgM", "aaa".
> I want to substitute every ENTIRE string beginning with "Ig" with "0".
> So, I'd like to have "xxx", "yyy", "zzz", "0", "0", "kkk", "0", "aaa".
> I can easily identify these strings with grep("^Ig", X), but if I
> use this criterion in the sub() function (sub("^Ig", "0", X) I
> obviously get "0A", "0G" etc.
> I didn't expect to do it in this way and I tried with metacharacters
> and regexps in order to grep and substitute the whole word (\b \>,
> $). I don't post here my tryings, because they were obviously wrong.
> Please can you help me?
x <- c("xxx", "yyy", "zzz", "IgA", "IgG", "kkk", "IgM", "aaa")
> sub("^Ig.*$", "0", x)
[1] "xxx" "yyy" "zzz" "0" "0" "kkk" "0" "aaa"
You need to have the search regex include the entire element and not
just the first couple of characters in order to replace the entire
Marc Schwartz
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