[R] R package for reading / writing 3D file (. PLY)
jallouli.med.amine at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 17:37:24 CET 2009
Duncan Murdoch-2 wrote:
> On 11/12/2009 4:56 AM, kvarpun wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there an R package that reads and writes 3D images having the
>> extension
>> PLY (PLY images of Stanford University)?
>> Currently, I installed the package misc3d. This package displays these
>> images PLY, but it can neither read nor write PLY images.
> This doesn't make sense. How can it display PLY images if it can't read
> them? Could you give an example?
> Duncan Murdoch
>> Thank you to tell me the name of a package that will read and write such
>> images.
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Thank you for quick answer.
I have to inform you that the only available functions in the package misc3d
contour3d Draw an Isosurface, a Three Dimension Contour Plot
drawScene Rendering of Triangular Mesh Surface Data
image3d Draw Points on a 3D Grid
kde3d Compute a Three Dimension Kernel Density Estimate
makeTriangles Triangle Mesh Functions
parametric3d Draw a 3D Parametric Plot
perspLighting Lighting Functions
phongLighting Lighting Functions
pointsTetrahedra Create a Set of Tetrahetra Centered at Data Points
scaleTriangles Triangle Mesh Functions
slices3d Interactive Image Slices of 3D or 4D Volume Data
surfaceTriangles Create a Triangle Mesh Representing a Surface
teapot Utah Teapot
translateTriangles Triangle Mesh Functions
updateTriangles Triangle Mesh Functions
None of them does read/write a PLY file.
You will find below a simple code for drawing a 3D image. The displayed
image is stored in the package misc3d (not read from a file).
haveRGL <- suppressWarnings(require(rgl,quietly=TRUE))
ttri <- makeTriangles(teapot$vertices, teapot$edges, color = "red", color2 =
## draw the teapot
drawScene(ttri,screen=list(y=-30,x=40), scale = FALSE)
# > str(teapot)
# List of 2
# $ vertices: num [1:3, 1:1976] -3,00 1,65 0,00 -2,99 1,65 ...
# $ edges : int [1:3, 1:3751] 1455 1469 1459 1449 1455 1459 1462 1449 1459
1469 ...
# My images (PLY images) have vertices and edges like the teapot image in
the example. If PLY images are read by R, I will be able to manipulate them.
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