[R] map of a country and its different geographical levels

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 13:51:48 CET 2009

> If readShapePoly() (deprecated - use readShapeSpatial() instead) says that
> the data are not polygons, then they are not. If you want to fill
> administrative boundaries polygons, you need polygons, not lines. The source
> you are using is based on OpenStreetMaps, so more likely to be lines, and as
> the website says, not authorised. You need to locate an appropriate source
> of boundary data first for your geographical features of interest. There are
> very few national mapping agencies that make these data available free (the
> US led on this, some others are understanding too, slowly).

http://gadm.org/country seems to provide this data for very many
countries - and in sp objects too!



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