[R] Can't pass file name as parameter to Corpus function

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Wed Nov 4 11:28:35 CET 2009

The function Corpus seems to be in some contributed package. If you 
think you found a bug in a contributed package, please contact the 
package maintainer.

Best wishes,
Uwe Ligges

renjl0810 wrote:
> I'm working on a small project to extract high-frequency terms from a
> document and then display those terms in web page. To this end, I've to pass
> the file name as parameter to the Corpus function to build a corpus of only
> one document. I can build the corpus using the code below interactively in
> R. But calling the function with a file name as the parameter I got the
> error message saying "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object
> 'strFileName' not found"
> test<-function(strFileName) {
> 	src <- URISource(strFileName)
> 	cor <- Corpus(src, readerControl = list(reader = readPDF, language =
> "en_US", load = TRUE))
> }
> After running the following code in R I checked the docURISource$URI and the
> value is "strFileName" rather than "C:\\Temp\\readme.txt". I also checked
> the URI when I was debugging the function and the URI is also  "strFileName"
> rather than "C:\\Temp\\readme.txt". 
> strFileName <- "C:\\Temp\\readme.txt"
> docURISource = URISource(strFileName, encoding = "UTF_8")
> docCorpus = Corpus(docURISource)
> So it seems when running interactively the URI contains strFileName as a
> variable but when called as a function, the URI contains strFileName as the
> actual value. Can anybody point out what's the problem?
> thanks in advance!!
> Jianli

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