[R] R2WinBUGS not working?

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Tue Nov 3 16:51:09 CET 2009

Paul Heinrich Dietrich wrote:
> This weekend I noticed that my R2WinBUGS connection was no longer working on
> my Windows computer at work AND my Ubuntu linux computer at home.  As soon
> as WinBUGS opens, the message reads Index Out Of Range.  I have un-installed

Yes, thanks, problem known for R-2.10.0 and under investigation.

> and re-installed R on both computers and the problem remains the same.  At
> first I thought it was the new version of R, but I was able to overcome the
> problem (on Windows only) with the use of
> program="openbugs"
> in R2WinBUGS.  But that doesn't work on Linux.

That works because it just uses a wrapper for BRugs and the real is done 
be BRugs.

Uwe Ligges

> PS
> The smallest WinBUGS program I have, essentially a t-test, still works.  But
> anything larger than that gets the error.
> Help.  Thanks.

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