[R] how to print the full name of the factors in summary?

Jen-Chien Chang jcchang at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Nov 2 16:01:47 CET 2009


I am wondering if there is a simple way to fix the problem I am having. 
For unknown reason, I could not get the full name of the factors to be 
printed in the summary. I have tried to used summary.lm as well but the 
problem still persists.

SJ$Weekday <- 
lm.SJ <- lm(Demand ~ Weekday+Month+Holiday+Season)
lm(formula = Demand ~ Weekday + Month + Holiday + Season)

     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
-69.767 -12.224  -1.378  10.857  91.376

Coefficients: (3 not defined because of singularities)
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  88.7091     3.3442  26.527  < 2e-16 ***
Weekday.L    20.8132     2.8140   7.396 1.08e-12 ***
Weekday.Q   -12.7667     2.8156  -4.534 7.99e-06 ***
Weekday.C   -10.6375     2.8113  -3.784 0.000182 ***
Weekday^4    -8.3325     2.8103  -2.965 0.003238 **

Is there a way for summary to print the full name of the factors and 
levels? Say Weekday.Tue instead Weekday.L?


Jack Chang

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