[R] a simple trick to get autoclose parenthesis on windows
Jose Quesada
quesada at gmail.com
Wed May 27 20:19:25 CEST 2009
This is a simple trick to get autoclose parenthesis on windows.
If you like how StatET autocloses parens, but like to use the lighter
Vanilla R, you can use autohotkey (http://autohotkey.net) to provide
this functionality.
Simply put the below code in a text file, rename extension as .ahk and
doubleclick on it to execute.
------------------ code starts here 8< ------------------
; Vanilla R
; =============================================================
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Rgui
; autoclose parens
(::Send (){left}
"::Send ""{left}
------------------ code ends here 8< ------------------
Silly, but I find it very convenient.
Jose Quesada, PhD.
Max Planck Institute,
Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition -ABC-,
Lentzeallee 94, office 224, 14195 Berlin
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