[R] R in Ubunto

R Heberto Ghezzo, Dr heberto.ghezzo at mcgill.ca
Wed May 27 17:35:38 CEST 2009

Hello , I do not know anything abount Ubunto, but I found a Portable Ubunto for Windows and since so many people
prefer Linux to Windows I decided to give it a try.
It runs very nicely, so I tried to load R, following Instructions in CRAN I added the line
deb http://probability.ca/cran/bin/linux/ubuntu hardy/ to /etc/apt/sources.list and then from a console
I did
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base
a lot of printout and when it inishes I typed R in the console and surprise!
I got R 2.6.2!! in Windows I have R 2.9.0??
Did I do something wrong or there is another way to get the latest version of R?
Thanks for any help
Heberto Ghezzo Ph.D.
Biostatistique medical
Montreal - Canada

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