[R] vcd package --- change layout of plot

Prew, Paul Paul.Prew at ecolab.com
Fri May 22 00:36:30 CEST 2009


I'm trying to use the vcd package to analyze survey data.  Expert judges
ranked possible features for product packaging.  Seven features were
listed, and 19 judges split between 2 cities ranked them.

The following code (1) works, but the side-by-side plots for Cities PX,
SF are shrunk too much.  Stacking PX on top of SF would make for a
better plot.  (I could switch the order of Feature and Rank dimensions,
and go with the default side-by-side, but would prefer not to).

cotabplot(~ Rank + Feature| Cities, data = Pack.dat, gp = shading_max,
rot_labels = c(90, 0, 0, 0),just_labels = c("left", "left", 
"left", "right"),set_varnames = c(Feature = ""))

Reading the vcd help, I got lost trying to understand the
panel-generating parameters I should use.  My best guess was below (2),
but gave an error message.  Clearly, I don't know what the paneling is
asking for.  This is where I would like some advice, if anyone is
familiar with vcd.

####  Tried to change the layout of trellis plot from horizontal to
Pack.mos<-mosaic(~Feature + Rank, data = Pack.tab, gp = shading_max,
rot_labels = c(0, 0, 0, 0),just_labels = c("left", "left", "left",
"right"),set_varnames = c(Feature = ""))   
## attempt to create an object for panel argument in cotabplot function

pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(ncol = 1)))
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1))
## tell vcd to change the default layout, and what to put in the top

cotabplot(~ Feature + Rank | Cities, data = Pack.dat, panel = Pack.mos,
Pack.dat[["PX"]], gp = shading_max, rot_labels = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
## create mosaic plot that's conditional on Cities;  first plot Cities =
## panel argument is an attempt to modify an example in the vcd help

## create the graphic

Error:  Cannot pop the top-level viewport (grid and graphics output

# no point in gong on to code the plot for layout.pos.row = 2

> str(Pack.tab)
Error in `[.structable`(x, i, args[[2]]) : subscript out of bounds
> class(Pack.tab)
[1] "structable" "ftable"    
> dim(Pack.tab)
[1] 7 2 7

                      Cities PX SF
Rank Feature                      
1    Flexible                 2  0
     Integrate.Probes         1  2
     Large/heavy              1  0
     Lockout                  0  1
     Recyclable               3  5
     Rigid                    0  0
     Small/light              2  1
2    Flexible                 1  6
     Integrate.Probes         2  0
     Large/heavy              1  1
     Lockout                  1  0
     Recyclable               2  0
     Rigid                    1  0
     Small/light              2  2
3    Flexible                 1  1
     Integrate.Probes         3  0
     Large/heavy              1  1
     Lockout                  2  1
     Recyclable               1  3
     Rigid                    0  0
     Small/light              0  3
4    Flexible                 3  0
     Integrate.Probes         0  2
     Large/heavy              0  0
     Lockout                  2  2
     Recyclable               0  1
     Rigid                    1  2
     Small/light              3  2
5    Flexible                 1  1
     Integrate.Probes         1  1
     Large/heavy              0  3
     Lockout                  0  2
     Recyclable               2  0
     Rigid                    3  1
     Small/light              2  1
6    Flexible                 0  1
     Integrate.Probes         1  3
     Large/heavy              3  2
     Lockout                  3  1
     Recyclable               0  0
     Rigid                    2  2
     Small/light              0  0
7    Flexible                 1  0
     Integrate.Probes         1  1
     Large/heavy              3  2
     Lockout                  1  2
     Recyclable               1  0
     Rigid                    2  4
     Small/light              0  0

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.0 RC (2009-04-10 r48318) 
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] grid      tcltk     stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets

[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] relimp_1.0-1       vcd_1.2-4          colorspace_1.0-0
 [5] RSiteSearch_0.1-5  brew_1.0-3         lme4_0.999375-30
 [9] lattice_0.17-22    Rcmdr_1.4-9        car_1.2-13        

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.9.0

If someone can give advice on stacking the two cities' plots, I would be

Thanks, Paul
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