[R] creating and then executing command strings

Philipp Schmidt phi.schmidt at gmail.com
Fri May 15 16:35:17 CEST 2009

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Romain Francois
<romain.francois at dbmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> You can either parse and eval the string you are making, as in:
> eval( parse( text = paste("avg_",colname, " <- 0;", sep='') ) )
> Or you can do something like this:
> df[[ paste( "avg_", colname, sep = "" ) ]] <- 0

Thanks you so much! I used the first version and it worked.

What puzzles me, is that I am not able to use <- instead of = (my R
book says the two can be exchanged) or break the command into
different parts and execute them one after another.

I get various error messages when I try:

eval( parse( text <- paste("avg_",colname, " <- 0;", sep='') ) )


text = paste("avg_",colname, " <- 0;", sep='')

Anyway, thanks a lot - you greatly improved the likelihood of me not
working on the weekend!

Best - P

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