[R] mathematical model/equations for neural network in library(nnet)
jude.ryan at ubs.com
jude.ryan at ubs.com
Thu May 14 23:37:34 CEST 2009
Hi All,
I am trying to manually extract the scoring equations for a neural
network so that I can score clients on a system that does not have R
(mainframe using COBOL).
Using the example in Modern Applied Statistics with S (MASS), by
Venables and Ripley (VR), pages 246 and 247, I ran the following neural
network. The code is the same as in VR pages 246 and 247 except I have
skip = F. The equation will have 3 more terms if skip = T.
area1 <- area/10000; peri1 <- peri/10000
rock1 <- data.frame(perm, area = area1, peri = peri1, shape)
# skip = F
rock2.nn <- nnet(log(perm) ~ area + peri + shape, rock1, size=3,
decay=1e-3, linout=T, skip=F, maxit=1000, Hess=T)
# weights: 16
initial value 1420.968942
iter 10 value 96.823665
iter 20 value 32.177295
iter 30 value 25.012430
iter 40 value 23.109650
iter 50 value 20.981236
iter 60 value 15.019016
iter 70 value 14.082190
iter 80 value 14.042717
iter 90 value 13.931124
iter 100 value 13.883691
iter 110 value 13.877307
iter 120 value 13.875051
iter 130 value 13.873667
final value 13.873634
The output from summary(rock2.nn) is:
a 3-3-1 network with 16 weights
options were - linear output units decay=0.001
b->h1 i1->h1 i2->h1 i3->h1
10.65 -8.90 -14.63 6.17
b->h2 i1->h2 i2->h2 i3->h2
-0.72 11.76 -17.17 -1.56
b->h3 i1->h3 i2->h3 i3->h3
2.96 -9.03 -8.07 -2.54
b->o h1->o h2->o h3->o
-6.91 2.45 11.53 9.22
Following the mathematical model / equations shown in VR (pages 243 to
247) and another book on neural networks, I extracted the neural network
equations manually, and scored the dataset rock1, and compared the
manual scores I obtained with the scores from predict(). They were
totally different, and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. If anyone
can give me some pointers I would appreciate it.
The mathematical model/equations I come up with from the weights are:
# manual calculate neural network predictions based on neural network
rock1$h1 <- 10.65 - 8.9 * rock1$area - 14.63 * rock1$peri + 6.17 *
rock1$logistic_h1 <- exp(rock1$h1) / (1 + exp(rock1$h1))
rock1$h2 <- -0.72 + 11.76 * rock1$area - 11.17 * rock1$peri - 1.56 *
rock1$logistic_h2 <- exp(rock1$h2) / (1 + exp(rock1$h2))
rock1$h3 <- 2.96 - 9.03 * rock1$area - 8.07 * rock1$peri - 2.54 *
rock1$logistic_h3 <- exp(rock1$h3) / (1 + exp(rock1$h3))
# predictions based on manual scoring
rock1$pred_perm <- -6.91 + 2.45 * rock1$logistic_h1 + 11.53 *
rock1$logistic_h2 + 9.22 * rock1$logistic_h3
# predictions using predict() and object that has the output of the
neural network
rock1$nn_pred_perm <- predict(rock2.nn)
rock1$log_perm <- log(rock1$perm)
perm area peri shape h1 logistic_h1 h2
logistic_h2 h3 logistic_h3 pred_perm nn_pred_perm log_perm
1 6.3 0.4990 0.279190 0.0903296 2.6816839 0.9359372 1.888774
0.8686156 -4.028470 0.0174901847 5.559444 1.920348 1.840550
2 6.3 0.7002 0.389260 0.1486220 -0.3596561 0.4110428 2.934467
0.9495242 -6.881634 0.0010254128 5.054524 1.546815 1.840550
3 6.3 0.7558 0.393066 0.1833120 -0.6961405 0.3326685 3.491694
0.9704505 -7.502529 0.0005513831 5.099416 2.630932 1.840550
4 6.3 0.7352 0.386932 0.1170630 -0.8318165 0.3032611 3.421303
0.9683637 -7.098737 0.0008254655 5.005834 2.489565 1.840550
5 17.1 0.7943 0.394854 0.1224170 -1.4406711 0.1914414 4.019478
0.9823546 -7.709940 0.0004481475 4.889712 3.235397 2.839078
6 17.1 0.7979 0.401015 0.1670450 -1.2874918 0.2162777 3.923376
0.9806092 -7.905522 0.0003685659 4.929703 3.078584 2.839078
sum((log(perm) - rock1$nn_pred_perm)^2)
[1] 12.55929
sum((log(perm) - rock1$pred_perm)^2)
[1] 82.63254
Thanks in advance,
Jude Ryan
Director, Client Analytical Services
Strategy & Business Development
UBS Financial Services Inc.
1200 Harbor Boulevard, 4th Floor
Weehawken, NJ 07086-6791
Tel. 201-352-1935
Fax 201-272-2914
Email: jude.ryan at ubs.com
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