[R] Understanding padding in lattice

Sebastien Bihorel Sebastien.Bihorel at cognigencorp.com
Fri May 1 00:22:03 CEST 2009

Thanks Paul,

This function could indeed be helpful. Unfortunately, I cannot install a 
development version at work, so I will have to wait before using it :D


Paul Murrell wrote:
> Hi
> In the development version of R, there is a new showViewport() function
> that might help with debugging this sort of thing.  Try ...
> showViewport()
> ... or possibly ...
> showViewport(newpage=TRUE)
> ... just after drawing your plot.
> Paul
> Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Sebastien Bihorel
>> <Sebastien.Bihorel at cognigencorp.com> wrote:
>>> Dear R-users,
>>> I am trying to understand what the different padding arguments in
>>> trellis.par.set are exactly controlling the space around lattice plots. I
>>> have used the following code as a basis for testing but it did not really
>>> help me to visualize how the value of each argument changes the margins and
>>> the plotting area. I guess a better way to visualize the effects of these
>>> padding items would be to create colored polygons for each related "area" of
>>> interest... but I would need to know what are these areas beforehand!
>> You can retrieve the undelying grid layout and show it using
>> library(grid)
>> grid.show.layout(lattice:::lattice.getStatus("layout.details")$page.layout)
>> which is close to what you are describing. Otherwise, there's no easy
>> way to insert polygons in these areas that I know of.
>> You could try setting negative padding values to see what they do.
>> -Deepayan
>>> Any advise on how to improve this code would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Sebastien
>>> #######################
>>> library(lattice)
>>> foo <-
>>> data.frame(x=rep(seq(10),9),y=rep(seq(10),9),z=rep(0,90),id=rep(seq(9),each=10))
>>> plot1 <- xyplot(y+z~x|id,
>>>               data=foo,
>>>               type=c("p","l"),
>>>               distribute.type = TRUE,
>>>               main="This is a test",
>>>               sub="Subtitle",
>>>               auto.key=T)
>>> trellis.device(pdf, file = "trellis_par_test.pdf",
>>>              paper="letter",
>>>              #family="Courier",
>>>              theme = list(fontsize = list(text = 10, points = 10)))
>>> trellis.par.set(layout.widths =list(left.padding=0,
>>>                                   right.padding=0),
>>>               layout.heights=list(top.padding =1,
>>>                                   main.key.padding =1,
>>>                                   axis.xlab.padding=1,
>>>                                   key.sub.padding  =1,
>>>                                   bottom.padding   =1),
>>>               axis.components=list(top=list(tck=1,
>>>                     pad1=1,
>>> pad2=1),                                    right=list(tck=1,
>>>                                 pad1=1,
>>>                                               pad2=1))) print(plot1)
>>> dev.off()
>>> ###########################
>>> --
>>> *Sebastien Bihorel, PharmD, PhD*
>>> PKPD Scientist
>>> Cognigen Corp
>>> Email: sebastien.bihorel at cognigencorp.com
>>> <mailto:sebastien.bihorel at cognigencorp.com>
>>> Phone: (716) 633-3463 ext. 323
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