[R] Calculating First Occurance by a factor
Dimitris Rizopoulos
d.rizopoulos at erasmusmc.nl
Mon Mar 30 21:37:41 CEST 2009
one way is:
ind <- ave(Data$IA, Data$Sub, Data$Tr, FUN = function (x) !duplicated(x))
Data[as.logical(ind), ]
I hope it helps.
jwg20 wrote:
> I'm having difficulty finding a solution to my problem that without using a
> for loop. For the amount of data I (will) have, the for loop will probably
> be too slow. I tried searching around before posting and couldn't find
> anything, hopefully it's not embarrassingly easy.
> Consider the data.frame, Data, below
> Data
> Sub Tr IA FixInx FixTime
> p1 t1 1 1 200
> p1 t1 2 2 350
> p1 t1 2 3 500
> p1 t1 3 4 600
> p1 t1 3 5 700
> p1 t1 4 6 850
> p1 t1 3 7 1200
> p1 t1 5 8 1350
> p1 t1 5 9 1500
> What I'm trying to do is for each unique IA get the first occurring FixTime.
> This will eventually need to be done by each Trial (Tr) and each Subject
> Number (Sub). FixInx is essentially the number of rows in a trial. The
> resulting data.frame is below.
> Sub Tr IA FirstFixTime
> p1 t1 1 200
> p1 t1 2 350
> p1 t1 3 600
> p1 t1 4 850
> p1 t1 5 1350
> Here is the solution I have now.
> agg = aggregate(data$FixInx, list(data$Sub, data$Tr, data$IA), min) #get the
> minimum fix index by Sub, Tr, and IA... I can use this min fix index to pull
> out the desired fixtime
> agg$firstfixtime = 0 # new column for results
> for (rown in 1:length(rownames(agg))){ #cycle through rows and get each
> data$firstfixtime from FixTime in matching rows
> agg$firstfixtime[rown] = as.character(data[data$Tr == agg$Group.2[rown] &
> data$Sub == agg$Group.1[rown] & data$IA == agg$Group.3[rown] & data$FixInx
> == agg$x[rown], ]$FixTime)
> }
Dimitris Rizopoulos
Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics
Erasmus University Medical Center
Address: PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Tel: +31/(0)10/7043478
Fax: +31/(0)10/7043014
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