[R] binary AND operators in R

Wacek Kusnierczyk Waclaw.Marcin.Kusnierczyk at idi.ntnu.no
Sun Mar 29 22:06:48 CEST 2009

mauede at alice.it wrote:
> I cannot find any R function or operator that performs a binary AND operation, as performed by Fortran built-in function "iand".
> Ideally either R operator "&" or "&&" should do that. But some tests proved they do not:

they do not, it seems clear from the documentation.  here's a hint:


your question points me to another issue (thanks!):

    one = as.raw(1)
    # TRUE

    two = as.raw(2)
    # TRUE

    one & two
    # 00

    if (one) 1 else 0
    # error: unimplemented type 'raw' in 'asLogical'


how come 01 AND 02 = 00??  well, you see, & is a *logical* (not a
*bitwise*) AND operator (see ?'&'), but for raws it does bitwise AND
(see ?'&' again):

    as.raw(6) & as.raw(3)
    # 02

?'&' says:


    x, y: logical vectors, or objects which can be coerced to such or
          for which methods have been written.

this might have been more explicit about raws, but the use of logical
operators (that is, bitwise operators) with raws *is* described in the

the other case is weird; ?'if' says:


    cond: A length-one logical vector that is not 'NA'. Conditions of
          length greater than one are accepted with a warning, but only
          the first element is used.  Other types are coerced to
          logical if possible, ignoring any class.

and the help page does not mention 'raw' at all.  raws are not logical:

    # FALSE

(what about the type hierarchy???), yet it is possible to convert them
to logical:

    # TRUE

why if(one) chooses to raise an error is a mystery to me.  the null
hypothesis:  a design flaw.  the alternative one:  a bug.  choose your test.


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