[R] Eclipse and StatET Howto (also added Subversion, Rtools)
kfmfe04 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 05:25:57 CEST 2009
I recently got a RFC on Eclipse and StatET setup from a R-help user, so here
it is.
Note: there may be slight errors of omission in my directions as I am making
these notes after I had a successful install. If you have questions post
Setup tested with Eclipse 3.4.0 on XP 32-bit and Eclipse 3.4.2 on Vista
R 2.9.0 alpha.
Installing StatET:
1. Go to Help > Software Updates... > Available Software > Add Site... >
and type in: http://download.walware.de/eclipse-3.4
2. Select the packages you want and Install
3. Restart Eclipse - if successful, you should see StatET under Window
4. Go to Window > Preferences > StatET > R Environments > Add...
and enter a label for your R environment (eg R 2.9.0 alpha) and path (eg
L:/bin/R/R-2.9.0alpha )
NOTE: I had some flaky issues with sending code in StatET when my path
included spaces, so if you have issues, it is best to reinstall R in a path
that contains no spaces.
5. In Eclipse, click on the Add Views icon in your toolbar and select Other
> StatET
6. In Eclipse, click on the Green Play Array Icon/Menu and and select Run
6a. Enter a name for your run configuration (eg R 2.9.0 alpha )
6b. Under the R Config tab, you should see your entry in 4. under
Workbench default
6c. Enter a Working Directory, if you like
7. Reference for more details:
Installing Subversion (SVN Client):
WARNING: Trust Tigris and their 0.7 & post 1.4-releases at your own risk.
I spent several hours trying to get later versions to work, but they all
failed to recognize SVNKit on my setups. Several other users have posted
this issue. The solution is to install 1.4, which I will describe here. I
assume that you already have an svn server setup on svn://svnserver
1. Help > Software Updates... > Add Site... >
2. Pick the packages you want (pay attention to required ones) and install
3. Right-Click on Project Explorer > Import > SVN > Checkout Projects from
SVN > Next
4. Create a new repository location > type in something like
svn://svnserver/subdir > Next
5. Select the folders you want > Finish
IMPORTANT if you have problems with any version of Subversion:
Check: Windows > Preferences > Team > SVN > SVN Interface
or: Windows > Preferences > Team > SVN > Client Connectors Tab
to make sure that under SVN Interface or Client Interface (depending on the
version of the plug-in) that you have JavaHL (what I use) or SVNKit. If
not, these could be the reasons:
1. You didn't select the interface package during the install
2. You are using a post 1.4 version (eg 0.7 or 1.5 and later)
Installing RTools/HTML Compiler for Windoze users:
This is useful for users of package inline or for users who want to compile
their own packages using Rcmd
0. NOTE: you need to install perl and some tex (I use MikTex) before you
install Rtools - follow their instructions.
1. Go to: http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools/installer.html
2. Get Microsoft's HTML Compiler (to create chm) here:
It's called htmlhelp.exe and includes hhc.exe
3. Follow instructions: important point - you should set your path to
include RTools and you RHome/bin and to hhc directory (eg L:\Program
Files\HTML Help Workshop\)
4. Test under Windows/cmd to make sure your setup works properly (eg Rcmd
If you manage to get RCmd working, you can go back to Eclipse and do this:
1. Click on Green Play Arrow With Red toolbox Menu > External Tools
2. In Package directory enter something like L:/dev/workspace/mypackage
3. IMPORTANT: Under Command: pick the right one! Like Add-On Package: Build
In a small box to the right, you will see the RCMD to be executed. You DO
NOT need to enter the name of your package under Options/Arguments -
basically type everything here EXCEPT the name of your package.
4. CHECK if something is wrong: In the R Config tab, you should have your
correct R Environment picked (eg R 2.9.0 alpha) - this is how the system
knows which path to use to get to RCmd
I hope someone finds this useful. Good luck!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Eclipse-and-StatET-Howto-%28also-added-Subversion%2C-Rtools%29-tp22764049p22764049.html
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