[R] Find inflection points using smooth.spline

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sat Mar 28 22:55:28 CET 2009

T.D.Rudolph <prairie.picker <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Is there any way to identify or infer the inflection points in a smooth
> spline object?  I am doing a comparison of various methods of time-series
> analysis (polynomial regression, spline smoothing, recursive partitioning)
> and I am specifically interested in obtaining the julian dates associated
> with the inflection points inferred by the various models.
> Tyler
> e.g.  http://www.nabble.com/file/p22752459/smooth.spline.pdf
> smooth.spline.pdf 

You can get an analog of first and second derivatives via using first and 
second differences:


If your spline object is spl, try:


It's possible that you would find lag and rle functions useful as well.

David Winsemius

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