[R] : how to select rows at random

Gavin Simpson gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Fri Mar 27 20:21:13 CET 2009

On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 15:11 -0400, Laura Rodriguez Murillo wrote:
> Hi dear list,
> I have a list of around 2000 identifiers aranged in a dataframe in one
> column and I would like to choose a random subset of these. I wonder
> if somebody can tell me if I could do this with R...

Not sure what you mean by identifiers, but to select a subset of the
2000 cells in that column, you could use sample(). See ?sample for
details, but here is an example.

## choose a random subset of 500 out of 2000 entries
## dummy data
dat <- data.frame(identifiers = sample(2000, 2000), X = rnorm(2000))
## set seed to make this the same on your PC as mine
## comment this if you want a different subset each time you run
## random subset of 500
want <- sample(2000, 500)
## select out that subset
## head to show only first n of the selected


> head(dat$identifiers[want])
[1] 1327  587  835  430 1422 1687

This assumes the identifiers are unique.



> Thank you so much!
> Laura RM
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